Saturn in Pisces

Saturn enters Pisces on March 7, 2023, and will reside there until 2026 (see complete dates at bottom of post). Saturn takes about 2 ½ years to move through one sign, and about 29 years to go completely around the wheel of the zodiac. The last time Saturn transited through Pisces was 1993-1996.

Wherever Saturn lies, it is where we are called to do the work of going to the next level–whatever that is for each of us in our current state of growth. It’s time to mature, get out of our comfort zone, and focus our efforts. With Saturn in Pisces, we are invited to put our efforts toward our spiritual lives through the Piscean practice of surrender. Over the next 2-3 years, the grip we usually have on our egoic concerns will be loosened. We can work in flow with this transit by surrendering the need to have all the answers, and instead be willing to live more into the questions for a time.

Here are some of the major themes of Saturn in Pisces:

The Dream vs. The Reality

Is there a dream you’ve held for a long time, but have yet to make it happen? It could be that a) it’s an unrealistic dream or b) you haven’t put in enough time and effort in order for it to happen. That last sentence may sound harsh. But it is very much in the spirit of Saturn. It’s time to be honest with ourselves and discern whether the answer is either “a” or “b.” If it’s an unrealistic dream, it’s time to face that and either let it go or revise the dream so that it is possible. On the other hand, if the case is that we haven’t put enough time and effort in, Saturn in Pisces is a great time to do just that. Imagination and positive thinking can only take us so far. We must embody Saturn and be willing to do the work, put in the time, and focus our energy. We are called to take practical action on our dreams, or give up on certain dreams entirely if they do not pass the reality test. We need diligence and committed action to bring our dreams down to earth. 

Meaningful Work

The idea of a “calling” is different from a job. Some people have an overlap between the job that brings in a paycheck and the work that they feel spiritually called to do in the world. But for the majority of others, the day job and the calling are two different things. It is understandable that we focus more on the job that pays the bills, especially if the calling does not guarantee a paycheck. But the expense if we solely focus on the money-making job is a lack of fulfillment that runs deep in our soul. Saturn in Pisces is here to remind us that it is important to find time to follow your calling, and trust in your unique offering. This may mean that you have to carve out a little extra time at the beginning or the end of the day, or on the weekend, to do the worldly work that is meaningful to you. You will be paid in meaning rather than money, perhaps (or both, if you’re lucky!) If you feel that there is something you need to share with your community, with the world, Saturn in Pisces will help you to have the discipline to follow through.


Pisces is the last sign of the zodiac, and so is a sign of endings. Saturn, the planet of boundaries and limits, shows us what is truly and finally ready to end in our lives. This can sound frightening, but we can also find release from burdens that are not ours to carry into the next big cycle. There is relief in that, if we can learn to trust the flow of life (Pisces). It is likely these are endings that we have seen coming for some time. Pisces energy can help us to have compassion for ourselves and others as we let things come to a close: a relationship, a career path, a project. The way to work through this is to embrace the Saturnian ideal of “calling a spade a spade”--to acknowledge when something has run its course. Marking our endings with ritual and intention can help us to accept it and to clear the space for the new beginnings coming down the road.

Spiritual Practice

There may be disappointment that results from letting go of a certain dream, or sadness that arises from endings. In order to deal with our emotions, we can turn to a regular spiritual practice. With Saturn in Pisces, regularity is the point. It doesn’t matter so much whether the practice is meditation, prayer, doing those yoga poses, or taking a walk in nature. What matters more is that we are committed to doing it, even on those days when we don’t want to–and especially on those days when we don’t want to. Having a sustained spiritual practice helps us to get centered and to find meaning amidst the changes afoot. 

Avoiding the Shadow of Saturn in Pisces

In keeping our focus on finding and maintaining meaningful work, we avoid the shadow possibility of wasting our precious time. In allowing for natural endings, and thus opening to new beginnings, we avoid the shadow possibility of joylessness. In discerning the viability of our dreams, we avoid the shadow possibility of self-delusion. And in maintaining our spiritual practice, we avoid the shadow possibility of hopelessness. If we do the Saturnian work and commit to our maturation in each of these areas, the gift will be a deeper connection with our own soul.

Related Podcast Episode:

Listen to the Let’s Get Real Astrology podcast episode Saturn in Pisces


Saturn enters Pisces Mar 7, 2023

Saturn exits Pisces and enters Aries May 24, 2025

Saturn re-enters Pisces on Sep 1, 2025

Saturn makes final exit from Pisces on Feb 13, 2026


Pluto in Aquarius


The Astrology of 2023